Thursday, April 9, 2009

Letting Myself Go and Picking Myself Back Up Again...

It is official. I have let myself go. My baby is two years old... and I can't use the excuse any longer that I am just losing the baby fat... So, what excuse do I have? Really, none. Just the excuse that I have eaten too much, worked out too little, and basically let myself go.... Okay, now for the good part. Anything broken can be fixed. Any fat compiled can be taken off. So- I am committed- I am committed because I have a healthy body that is able to do things done before. I just need to keep it up one day, one hour, one minute at a time. I know I can do it... and this is why I have created this blog. I need accountability to myself. So far today... I have eaten;

Breakfast; 4 pancakes with syrup and orange juice (clearly before I was thinking about the 'change')

Workout- 25 minutes of Jillian Michaels fat burn (killer workout) Running down to the end of my street and back.

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."
Alma 37:6

Monday, February 16, 2009

Took the weekend off....

Darn it... I have done it again. The wagon left with out me or I left with out... whatever... okay I am have created my signature to put at the end of each post... I am going to try it.. A new day- A new dollar.. tomorrow. (we just watched Annie, can you tell?) I am really ready to roll... because if I don't get on the band wagon- So here is the signature...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Yesterday...oh yesterday...

Yesterday... was a bad , not so good day. I started out okay- and then went to the Valentine's party for my son. Sugar cookies= I want some. So I had one- with the frosting and all. And then I came home and made chocolate chip cookies. Yes, I did. I am telling you, they are my downfall... And on top of that, I am so tired all the time.. thinking about working out is making me tired. So- here is another day- another get back on track. I haven't eaten anything today. Here is the plan...

Breakfast- slimfast shake w/ banana and wheat english muffin

Snack- Apple

Lunch- ??? (I am telling you- I have a hard time with lunch!)

Dinner- Early... with the hubs... sushi... eat your heart out!

Happy Valentine's Day... and no more sugar cookies!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here it is... the temptation...

It is 4 o' clock, the kids are home. I have this urge. The urge is to make cookies. Chocolate chip preferably... but any will do. I am using all of will power to not take the butter and eggs from the fridge and start baking. I tell myself that it won't hurt. Will it? Yes. It will hinder my progress, stall my goals, and come back to bite me, right? Will power... behold... help me!!! This is the hour of temptation. 4:00 p.m. until dinner. The hour where the kids are home. The stress is high. The cravings are strong. Nothing tastes as good as it feels to be thin... not even cookies.

Day one... hour 6...

Okay, things have been going okay. I have been writing down everything I am eating. I can honestly say it is helping me. I do need to drink more water and get a 30 minute workout in the mix. I have already had veggies.. sweet potatoes.. my fav! And one fruit- a banana in my ww shake (the best)! I am craving more chocolate and would love some sugar cookies.. but I keep reminding myself of the after effects of it all; big butt & tight fitting clothes. Serenity now. So, I am off to do my afternoon chores; laundry, vacumming, and straightening up the house... with my diet coke and water. Wooo...hoooo!! This is harder than I thought... or easier... I am not sure.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Realistic Goals...

Lately when I have been making goals, I haven't been completely realistic. I need to step back and look at my life and then make goals. I am a stay at home mom. I have four young children. I have a husband. I have a house to take care of and laundry to get done. I help in the classroom. I serve in my church. I have friends. I have responsibility. My life is different than it was when I was a teenager. Of course I would like to set my goals high. But I want to feel success.

Goal #1: Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Basically, have water wherever I go. Okay, I really already do this. But I want to keep track and make sure I am really getting the full water intake.

Goal #2: Eat 2 fruits and 1 cup of veggies a day. I know, I know. This is not up to the food pyramid guidelines. I have to start small- I have to start somewhere. So this is where I will start.

Goal #3: Exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes, consistently. This doesn't seem like a lot. I need to start somewhere and build upon that. I want to be consistent... this is my goal.

Goal #4: Eat lunch. I mean, a sandwich, or a salad. Sit down and eat lunch. I don't think I have been eating lunch now for a few years. I just grab whatever is on the counter or in the freezer (chocolate chips) and go.

Goal #5: Sit down when I eat. Usually I am standing on the other side of the bar eating while my kids are eating at the other end. Not a great habit , I know. I have been eating on the run.

Goal #6: Write down everything I am eating. I am not ready to keep track of 'points' (ww) but I do want to know what exactly I am consuming. This is an important (and scary) step.

Okay, here I go... wish me luck, good luck, me!

Ready to roll

The time has come. My eating habits are out of control, I have no consistency in my exercise routine, and I am not fitting nicely into my big jeans. It is time. I am ready. Let me start with my weight journey. I was a fat kid. I loved (and still do) cookies, candy bars, etc. I grew up in a big family. My parent taught me many great things... but not how to eat healthy. We had sugar cereals of every kind. Cookies and candy galore. I was a fat kid. The summer before my senior year in high school I went away to work. I worked hard and ate 3 square meals a day. Not many snacks- no sugar cereals, no candy bars, I just ate like you 'should'. I lost a lot of weight. I was motivated. I looked good. I came home, started my senior year and continued to lose weight. I maintained my weight until I was about 30. Marriage, four kids, stress, etc. And now I am back to square one. I am that fat kid again. I eat whatever, whenever I want to. So I am starting over. I need a plan. I have done it before, I can do it again.